Better than a thousand useless words is one word that gives peace.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cleaning House

Ichram told me to take her picture as she held up her newest drawing. She had been coming to my house for the past few days to draw while I worked on cleaning my house. As she finished her drawing, I was flinging out the last bits of sand and corn husk from the cement floor into the courtyard. Ichram came out of the salon.

"What do you think?" I asked. "Did I do a good job?"
"Yes," She replied, "You sweep very well."

My landlord's wife comes in.

"Yunz," she asked, "why haven't you come to get bread?"
"I'm sorry, I'm still trying to eat all the bread you gave me last time."
"All right."

She walks out, with Ichram following behind her moments later. I'd say community integration level is set to indispensable.


1 comment:

Belle said...

Nice story, I'm glad everyone feels comfortable with you.